If you are reading this article, you are definitely looking to get back your lost girlfriend. Breakup in a relationship is the worst thing that can happen to a boy. But you should not beat your chest around for whole life. Instead, you should d self-correction and find out the mistakes you made that lead to this disaster.

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Fall In Love With You Again.

Winning her back is difficult but not impossible. Before approaching her again, you should do things that we are discussing in these articles. There is 100% possibility that you will win her back.


If you have been a relationship for long time and suddenly lost her, you need to know your mistakes, you need to know what went wrong in your relationships. You need to know what made you lose her. Once you find out those mistakes, correct them before moving back to her again.


To win her back, get yourself a new look. You want to show her that you have changed your personality. You want to show her that he looks exactly the way you want. Trying out some new clothes is not a bad idea to get into relationship again.


Give her some time to recover. Give her some time to recover from the pain you caused her. If you have been in a very good relationship, she will rethink about it and might approach you again for all the good things you did to her. Do not call her, do not text her. People, girls in general, need space. She will realize that you feel for her by giving you time to rethink. 

4- Talk to New Girl

Bring a change in your relationship. You should start talking to girls, have fund with her. Do not be confused by talking to another girl. Do just want to talk to her but not hook up. If you hook up with her, your chances of getting your ex back are permanently gone.

By pursuing another girl, you want to show your ex that other girls are also attracted to you and you should also take him under consideration.


Now after you are done with all the steps mentioned above, It's high time you approach her and tell her that you want to be in a relationship with you again. You want to be her crush again and you will do everything to regain her attention.

Start by doing these steps:

  • Send her Flowers: Nearly all girls love flowers. She will love it, keep it, and will be really thankful to you. 
  • Apologies: If you broke up with her or she broke up with you, an apology is a must. An apology will show her how much you care and love her and that you are serious to be in a relationship with you again.
  • Send Her Love Letters: Girls also love letters. Write a letter describing each and every wrong thing you did to her and apologies. Also, write some love quotes to express your love for her.

If you are lucky enough,you will get her back.